Dunstall Parish Traffic update – URGENT PLEASE READ

Following a meeting to consider the issue of traffic at Dunstall Cross in November 2014 between Dunstall PC and Staffs County Council, SCC have subsequently undertaken a detailed traffic survey of the cross roads.

We are pleased to confirm the outcome of the survey which is to recommend and implement several improvements to the cross roads.

Improvements will include the implementation of Vehicle Activated Road signs to alert drivers to the cross roads, repainting of road markings and new signs on the approach to the cross roads.

Additionally we plan to feedback to SCC on the scheme and will ask for consideration to be made also to the inclusion of no overtaking road markings on the approach and over the cross roads as well as possible rumble strips to the approach roads to the main road.

The improvements are planned to be implemented by the end of March 2015.

If you have any feedback or require any further information please contact on of the Parish Councillors and we will be only to happy to help.

Please find the detailed scheme below:

Rangemore Hill Dunstall Cross A3 Frame 2.pdf